Thursday, June 28, 2012

Top 10 Thursday

Moving the top 10 list to Thursday this week. Go a little sidetracked with bicycle related activities and just plain forgot to do it. So here it is, better late than never.

Top 10 Artists

  1. Braid
  2. Pantera
  3. Lightning Bolt
  4. Descendents
  5. Primus
  6. The Promise Ring
  7. Silversun Pickups
  8. The Get Up Kids
  9. Smashing Pumpkins
  10. Prong

Top 10 Albums

  1. Pantera – Far Beyond Driven
  2. Descendents – Everything Sucks
  3. Prong – Prove You Wrong
  4. Lightning Bolt- Hypermagic Mountain
  5. Silversun Pickups – Carnavas
  6. Braid – Movie Music vol. 2
  7. Descendents – Two Things At Once
  8. Meat Puppets – Too High To Die
  9. Adventures of Jet – Muscle
  10. Rites of Spring – S/T

Top 10 Tracks

  1. Don Henley – The Boys of Summer
  2. Pantera – 5 Minutes Alone
  3. Smashing Pumpkins – Ava Adore
  4. Morphine – Dawna
  5. Braid – A Dozen Roses
  6. Braid – You’re Lucky To Be Alive
  7. Coyote Shivers – Sugar High
  8. Paul Westerberg – Dyslexic Heart
  9. Primus – Puddin’ Taine
  10. Prong - Irrelevant Thoughts

Reference: Nearly all of my playcounts come from Spotify. The remainder come from the small amount of music that I keep on my phone. All playcounts are tracked by These are not opinion based top 10 lists, they are straight by the numbers. Often times my favorite tracks of the week don’t make the list.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Weird Bike Wednesday

Bringing you the weird, the wtf and the “well, huh…”

“What I think I’ll do is start a fire in front of my bike. Should make it look more extreme.

I’ve complained about the saddle on my McFixie an awful lot lately but this bike absolutely wins the worst saddle category. And that lightweight, recyclable top tube. But what happened to the handlebars?

If you’re going to flip the bars that far just go ahead and make them full on felon bars. This bike has to be too large for it’s owner for the seat to be down that far.

A Nimbus 2000 it is not, but that steering mechanism looks like it just might work.

Back in the late 80’s some bike riders got the idea to recreate Formula One racing, on two wheels. Somewhat flat track, left and right turns. Here’s one example of the bikes that came out of that time:
I had an opportunity to ride one of these in my youth. Basically it was a 20” bmx bike, wheel covers, drop stem with flat bars, a huge chain ring and a wide range cassette thrown in for good measure. Oh yeah, and a body kit the likes of which wouldn’t be seen again until The Fast and The Furious. The bikes were fast but super awkward to ride. The racing was done in such tight quarters that the wrecks were more fantastic than the motorsport equivalent.

Which brings us to these nostalgia monsters:

This one obviously has aspirations of becoming a Cat6 Formula One Commuter racer…somewhere very dark.

It’s just bad. I heard it was solid bondo and added nearly 60 pounds to the already heavy BSO. Any aero qualities were negated by the serious obesity of this piece. But it gets better. Look closely at the hubs, they’re green. The pedals? Also green. Cranks too! Someone took the time to attempt to color match this. OVERKILL!!!

I’m going to quit bitching about other peoples bikes and go spend some time with mine. If you got one, ride one.