Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Top 10 Tuesday

Time again for some top 10 lists. I’ve been working a lot further from home lately, about a 10 mile commute each way. Gets me an extra two hours a day on the bike. Now If I can get a 32 gig card for my phone to have all my favorite tracks in one place. Spotify has been keeping my ears happy and Last.fm keeping track of crunching the numbers. On to the list.

Top 10 Artists

  1. The Joy Formidable
  2. Joe Christmas
  3. Kylesa
  4. American Football
  5. Girl Talk
  6. Green Day
  7. The Promise Ring
  8. Primus
  9. Incubus
  10. Faith No More

Top 10 Tracks

  1. The Joy FormidableCradle
  2. The Joy FormidableAustere
  3. The Joy FormidableThe Greatest Light Is the Greatest Shade
  4. The Joy FormidableWhirring
  5. The Joy FormidableI Don't Want to See You Like This
  6. The Joy FormidableBuoy
  7. The Joy FormidableThe Magnifying Glass
  8. The Joy FormidableA Heavy Abacus
  9. The Joy FormidableLlaw = Wall
  10. American FootballNever Meant

Some might say that tracks list is a bit obsessive. Some have never listened to The Joy Formidable.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Weird Bike Monday

Screw it. I’m posting when ever. I can’t keep a schedule so here’s some poor misguided bikes.

Balls. What the hell happened here? It really looks like it wants to be a mountain bike when it grows up, or maybe a T-Rex. That short stem and radial laced 650 looks twitchy.

Another funny bike. I’m fairly sure I have not seen a bicycle drag race yet. That thing is the exact steering opposite of the one above it. It must steer like a slug.

I wouldn’t normally rag on a Little Lebowski Urban Achiever bike but 101 damnations son. You locked it up with a cable lock and left the U-lock hanging on the bars. Nice lockjob.

I seriously hope this was done just for the picture. This is troll food.


Hope you liked your retinas. Holy fuck, the went out of their way to do the pink/purple color matching on this one and then went out of their way to photograph it on a red background to maximize the color clash.

And on that note, I’m out.